Inherent Vice

It’s known that trends repeat themselves, and detective films are overdue. Detective films

Chefs Table

Chefs Table is easily one of the more impressive documentary series I’ve ever seen. Yeah, it presents itself as a show about chefs and the food the make, but really its about artists and their art. Thats really the focus of the show and it does an amazing job of maintaining that...

Mad Max

This is not going to be your stereotypical list of top movies. You will not find Shawshank Redemption on this list. I will not list Godfathers' I & II and make a big deal about leaving off III. If you want that list you can find it here, or on any other lame-ass corporate site. These are the films I love. The ones that make me shutter when the credits role. The ones that leave me thinking "Damn... that was a good fucking movie." I'm not a hater, I'm not going to exclude a film just because its uber popular. But I'm no sheep, this is MY list and I decide what goes on it. This list has no order, it has no size limit, and it has no genre limit. If you think I missed one, let me know in the comments.


In Cold Bold – Truman Capote
In Cold Bold – Truman Capote
Beautiful Must Read!! (Full Review Forthcoming)
Chefs Table
Chefs Table
Chefs Table is easily one of the more impressive documentary series I’ve ever seen. Yeah, it presents itself as a show about chefs and the food the make, but really its about artists and their art. Thats really the focus of the show and it does an amazing job of maintaining that focus in each episode.

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